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Journey of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker

June 24, 2011

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By Phillip Manning
Science Book News
June 24, 2011

Journey of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Yale, $25, 192 pages. Publication date June 28.

Swimme is professor at the California Institute for Integral Studies; Tucker is a senior lecturer at Yale and the author of Worldly Wonder. “Through the astonishing combined achievements of natural scientists worldwide, we now have a detailed account of how galaxies and stars, planets and living organisms, human beings and human consciousness came to be.”

Read Article

By Phillip Manning
Science Book News
June 24, 2011

Journey of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker. Yale, $25, 192 pages. Publication date June 28.

Swimme is professor at the California Institute for Integral Studies; Tucker is a senior lecturer at Yale and the author of Worldly Wonder. “Through the astonishing combined achievements of natural scientists worldwide, we now have a detailed account of how galaxies and stars, planets and living organisms, human beings and human consciousness came to be.”

Journey of the Universe by Brian Thomas Swimme and Mary Evelyn Tucker

June 24, 2011

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